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Staffordshire Clay Building Products

Manufacturers of clay pavers and 'Class A' facing bricks

Manufacturers of clay pavers and 'Class A' bricks for both facing and engineering applications in Staffordshire blue, brown brindle and red as well as a wide range of bricks slips, quarry tiles, special bricks and paver fittings and accessories. Our bricks are ideal for use in high quality prestige facades and our expertise and flexibility allows us to tackle all kinds of projects including bespoke special shapes in large or small volumes.

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The Ketley Story

Ketley forms part of the Hinton Perry & Davenhill family business which began making bricks and tiles in 1805.  During their 200 year history the hallmark of their success has been a tradition of clay craft,

British made for 200 years

continuous development and a passion to create the finest natural clay building products.

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Read Our Story

"It has taken us a while to find a brick that looks good and can deal with exposure on all surfaces"

Friedrich Ludewig, director of award winning Acme Architects who used Ketley Staffordshire red bricks for the Victoria Gate Arcade in Leeds.

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